Vasco Career College is a California Department of Public Health Approved Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)/Certified Home Health Aide Continuing Education (CE) Provider for classroom instructions only (NAC#1107)

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)/Certified Home Health Aide need 48 hours of CEUs per 2 year renewal period. Only 24 hours can be taken online; the remaining 24 hours must be taken in a classroom.  In addition to the CEUs, a Certified Nursing Assistant must work at least 8 hours in the 2-year renewal period.

Fee: $96.00/8 hours 

CE Provider Course List: Credit Hours
Caring for the Person with Alzheimer's Disease 3
Promoting Dignity 2
Caring for the Person with Diabetes 2
Understanding Restraints and Restraint Alternatives 1
Preventing Abuse and Neglect  3
Assisting with Death and Dying  3
Managing Stress  3
Preventing Infection  2
Protecting Healthcare Workers and Others for TB  2
Using Proper Body Mechanics  2
Preventing Falls in the Elderly  2
Preventing Accidents and Injuries  2
Understanding and Promoting Residents' and Clients'  3
Maintaining Confidentiality  1
Establishing Trust Through Communication  2
Basic Nutrition  3
The Keys to Correct Documentation  2
Preventing Skin Breakdown  3
Strokes and Related Care  3
Domestic Violence  1
Guideline for HIV and AIDS  2
CPR, A CPR Update  6
Pressure Sore  1
Blood borne Pathogens  1
Colostomy Care  1
Lung Cancer 1
Personal Hygiene 1
Isolation Precaution 1
Psychological Abuse 1
Physical Abuse 1
Food Safety  1